ECORS Truc-Vert 2008
 Sandy beach hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, Truc-Vert 2008 field experiment


Arnaud, G., Mory, M., Abadie, S., Cassen, M. 2009. Real time monitoring of bathymetric evolution in the surf and swash zone using a resistive system. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Arnaud, G., Mory, M., Abadie, S., Cassen, M. 2009. "Nouvelle technique de mesure locale de l'évolution du fond en zone de surf". Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, No spécial Génie Côtier, in press.

Almar, R., Castelle, B., Ruessink, G., Sénéchal, N., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V. 2009. High-frequency video observation of a double sandbar system under high-energy wave forcing. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Almar, R., Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Senechal, N., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V. Two- and three-dimensional double-sandbar system behaviour under intense wave forcing and a meso-macro tidal range. Marine Geology (submitted).

Almar,R., Ranasinghe, R., Senechal, N., Bonneton, P., Roelvink, D., Bryan, K., Vincent, M., Parisot, J.P., Video based detection of shorelines at complex meso-macro tidal beaches. Marine Geology (submitted).

Berni, C., Mignot, E., Michallet, H., Dalla-Costa, C., Grasso, F., Lagauzere, M. 2009. Diversity of bed evolution at wave and tidal scales on Truc Vert beach. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Bruneau, N., Castelle, B., Bonneton, P. and Pedreros, R  2009 Very Low Frequency motions of a rip current system: observations and modeling. J. of Coast. Res., SI 56, (in press).

Bruneau, N., Castelle, B., Bonneton, P., Pedreros, R., Almar, R., Bonneton, N., Bretel, P., Parisot, J-P. and Sénéchal, N. 2009 Field observations of an evolving rip current on a meso-macrotidal well-developed inner bar and rip morphology. Continental Shelf Res. (in press)

David de Drézigué, O., Sous, D., Rey, V. 2009. Watertable response to tidal forcing in the Truc Vert beach. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Castelle, B., Bretel, P., Morisset, S. et al. 2009. Modelling of a rip current over strong alongshore non-uniformities: on the use of HADCP for model validation. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Capo, S., Parisot, J.P., Bujan, S., Sénéchal, N. 2009. Short time morphodynamics response of the Truc Vert beach to storm conditions. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Dehouck, A., Martiny, N., Froidefond, J.M. et al. 2009. New outcomes from spatial remote sensing during the ECORS experiment : achieving validation of ocean color products and large-scale bathymetry mapping in coastal zone. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

.Emmanuel, I., Parisot, J.P., Michallet, H., Barthélémy, E., Sénéchal, N. 2009. Beach response to cumulative rare events. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

MacMahan, J., Brown, Jeff, Brown, Jenna, Thornton, Ed, Reniers, Ad, Stanton, T., Henriquez, M., Gallagher, E., Morrison, J., Austin, J.M.., Scott, T.M., Senechal, N. Mean Lagrangian Flow behaviour on open coast rip channeled beaches, Marine Geology (in press).

Masselink, G., Russell, P.E., Turner, I.L. and Blenkinsopp, C.E., submitted. Net sediment transport and morphological change in the swash zone of a high-energy sandy beach from swash event to tidal cycle time scales. Marine Geology (submitted).

Mignot, E., Hurther, D., Chassagneux, F.X., Barnoud, J.M. 2009. A field study of the flow field above migrating bed ripples. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Parisot, J.P., Capo, S., Bujan, S. et al. 2009. Evolution of a multi-barred sandy beaches in presence of very energetic events. Journal of coastal research, SI 56 (in press).

Ruessink, B.G., T.J.J. van den Berg and L.C. van Rijn. Modeling sediment transport beneath skewed-asymmetric waves above a plane bed. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans (submitted).

Russell, P.E., Masselink, G., Blenkinsopp, C.E. and Turner, I.L., 2009. A comparison of berm accretion in the swash zone on sand and gravel beaches at the timescale of individual waves. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1791-1795.

Turner, I.L., Russell, P.E., Butt, T.,  Masselink, G. & Blenkinsopp, C.E., submitted. In-situ estimates of net sediment flux per swash:  Reply to Discussion by TE Baldock of “Measurement of wave-by-wave bed-levels in the swash zone.  Coastal Engineering (submitted).


Almar, R., Sénéchal, N., Coco, G. 2008. Estimation vidéo haute fréquence de la topographie intertidale d’une plage sableuse. Application à la caractérisation des seuils d’engraissement et d’érosion. Pp 505-514.

Almar, R., Castelle, B., Ruessink, G., Sénéchal, N., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V. 2009. High-frequency video observation of a double sandbar system under high-energy wave forcing. Présentation orale.

Arnaud, G., Mory, M., Abadie, S., Cassen, M. 2008. Nouvelle technique de mesure locale de l’évolution du fond en zone de surf. pp 515-524.

Arnaud, G., Mory, M., Abadie, S., Cassen, M. 2009. Real time monitoring of bathymetric evolution in the surf and swash zone using a resistive system. Présentation orale.

Arnaud G.,   Mory  M., Abadie S. & Cassen M., 2009, "Real-time measurements of bathymetric changes in the surf and swash zones", 6th Symposium on River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics RCEM 2009, Santa Fe, Argentine, 21-25 Septembre 2009.

Berni, C., Mignot, E., Michallet, H., Dalla-Costa, C., Grasso, F., Lagauzere, M. 2009. Diversity of bed evolution at wave and tidal scales on Truc Vert beach. Présentation orale.

Blenkinsopp, C.E., Turner, I.L., Russell, P.E. & Masselink, G. (2008) “Bed-level Change in the Swash Zone at Wave-by-Wave Timescales.” 4th Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, University of Oxford, April 2008. 

Blenkinsopp, C.E., Turner, I.L., Masselink, G. & Russell, P.E. Measurements of Net Cross-Shore Sediment Flux at the Timescale of Individual Swashes. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2009

Bruneau, N., Castelle, B., Bonneton, P., Pedreros, R. 2009. Intense rip current over a well-developed transverse bar and rip system : drifter experiment and modelling. Présentation Poster.

Capo, S., Parisot, J.P., Bujan, S., Sénéchal, N. 2009. Short time morphodynamics response of the Truc Vert beach to storm conditions. Présentation orale.

Castelle, B., Almar, R., Bonneton, P., Bonneton, N., Bretel, P., Bujan, S., Bruneau, N., Parisot, Pedreros, R., Sénéchal, N. (2008). Dynamics of a moderate-energy rip current over a Transverse Bar and Rip morphology: Biscarrosse 2007 field experiment (Aquitanian Coast, France). Proc. XI International Symposium on Oceanography of Bay of Biscay, p. 157-158.

Chassagneux, FX, Hurther, D., Nearbed flow/sediment processes under irregular breaking waves (accepte pour presentation).

David de Drézigué, O., Sous, D., Rey, V. 2009. Watertable response to tidal forcing in the Truc Vert beach. Présentation orale

Dehouck, A., Martiny, N., Froidefond, J.M., Sénéchal, N., 2008. In-Water Reflectance Spectra Measured On Board a Jet-Ski Across a Complex Nearshore Zone of Case-2 Waters during the ECORS Experiment. Proceedings Ocean Optics.

Dehouck, A., Martiny, N., Froidefond, J.M. et al. 2009. New outcomes from spatial remote sensing during the ECORS experiement : achieving validation of ocean color products and large-scale bathymetry mapping in coastal zone. Presentation poster.

Emmanuel, I., Parisot, J.P., Michallet, H., Barthélémy, E., Sénéchal, N. 2009. Beach response to cumulative rare events. Présentation orale.

MacMahan, J., Gallagher, E., Reniers, A., Thornton, E. 2008. Grain size and morphological variability. Eos Trans. AGU 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS12B-03.

Martiny, N., Dehouck, A., Froidefond, J.M., Senechal, N., 2008. Ocean color measurements onboard a jet-ski: Consistency for calcal exercise of high-resolution satellite imagery? presentation poster.

Mignot, E., Hurther, D., Chassagneux, F.X., Barnoud, J.M. 2009. A field study of the flow field above migrating bed ripples. Présentation orale.

Parisot, J.P., Capo, S., Bujan, S., Sénéchal, N. 2008. Traitement des données topographiques et bathymétriques acquises sur le littoral aquitain : optimisation des mesures effectuées en quad et au théodolite. Pp 595-604.

Parisot, J.P., Capo, S., Bujan, S. et al. 2009. Evolution of a multi-barred sandy beaches in presence of very energetic events. Présentation poster.

Pieterse, A. and B.G. Ruessink, 2009. The TrucVert/ECORS 2008 field experiment. Poster presented at the Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK) Meeting - March 26 - 2009.

Rejas, A., Senechal, N., Capo, S., Parisot, J.P., Bryan, K., Coco, G. Field and video observations of morphological change during a large-scale, multi-institutional experiment (ECORS.  Australasian Coasts and Ports 2009.

Russell, P., Blenkinsopp, C., Masselink, G., Turner, I. 2009. Net sediment transport in the swash zone of a sandy beach over individual swash cycles. Présentation orale.

Sénéchal, N., Ardhuin, F. et al. 2008a. Ecors-Truc Vert 2008 : Qualification des modèles de houle et de morphodynamique. pp 635- 654.

Sénéchal, N., Ardhuin, F. 2008.  Ecors Truc Vert’08: a multi-institutional international nearshore field experiment. Eos Trans. AGU 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS12B-02 (auteur invite)

Tissier, M., Bonneton, P., Almar, R., Castelle, B. et Bonneton, N. 2009 Etude expérimentale de la célérité des vagues en zone de surf. Proceeding 18 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 6p.

Turner, I.L., Russell, P.E. Masselink, G. & Blenkinsopp, C.E., 2008. Bed-level Change Over Individual Swash Cycles On Sand and Gravel Beaches. 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 1st-5th September 2008, Hamburg, Germany.